Tag Archives: Jobs

Looking for New

I’m interested in working in a place people want but don’t need. I’m sick of the strenuous customer service jobs…looking at boutiques and specialty service shops for more happy and enjoyable experiences.
Also as the Taurus season starts, and my birthday approaches in 7 days, I want to make a change to this aspect of my life. I just love positive energy and I want my work to reflect that starting now.

2 Weeks Noted

I closed one door on my own with another door waiting for me to walk in

This is the last week at my place of employment as I am going back to school! It’s been a journey since I’ve started school and the time I regret taking off has just made me more anxious to get back on the right track. Working and making money is cool but not when you end up living paycheck to paycheck and working for ungrateful employers. There comes a time when you wake up and realize that this is not what I have planned for myself and I can and will do better!

Wish me luck!!!